About Me

Hi, thank you for visiting my website! I'm Ellyn Junfola, and I am a Certified Usui Reiki III-Master Teacher, in addition to being an intuitive psychic medium and witch/folk magick practitioner. I have been studying magick, energy, witchcraft, Wicca, New Age ideologies, and pretty much all things spiritual since I was a child. I have been sensitive to energy all my life, and have had multiple encounters with spirits, Angels, nature spirits, etc over my lifetime. I am 45 now and over my life, I have acquired a lot of training and practice in manipulating energy. Witchcraft, spell work, Reiki --- it all comes down to energy and intention. We all have the ability to direct energy with our intentions; it just needs to be practiced, like any other skill. Simone Biles didn't just wake up one day and start doing flips! It's the same with using our "unseen" senses-- what we tend to imagine that we are doing with our "mind." These energies are real, as real as the invisible electricity running through the wires in your walls. We can't see that, yet we know that if we plug something into an electrical socket, the device or appliance will be able to be turned on. Magick and Divine Life Force Energy-- what Reiki is-- basically accomplish the same thing with different methods and intentions. Lighting a candle to focus your will on your desire, to be able to manipulate the unseen energies swirling around us to go in a direction that we want, and a Reiki practitioner calling Reiki energy down, going within to activate their Reiki channels, and allowing themselves to act as a physical channel for the Divine Life Force energy to flow to another person to heal them--- potato, potahto. It's all intentionally-directed energy. That's why I am not choosing between being a Witch and being a Reiki practitioner/energy healer-- there's no need to choose! I enjoy using the skills that I have practiced and honed over time, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences of witchcraft, mediumship (as I am also a Spirit Medium, and I have taken trainings and practiced mediumship skills over the years as well), the spirit world, the Other Side, how magick works, how spells work, how various crystals help due to their various unique properties and frequencies, and everything else spiritual! I am also a lifelong seeker. Learning and gaining knowledge and improving my skills is a pursuit of mine that I will never grow tired of. I love how there is so much to learn about spirituality. It's the font of information that never runs out! 

I hope you enjoy my site and hopefully buy some of my products! I lovingly pick out each type of crystal that I carry, and I come up with the different kits and sets. I also love designing crystal beaded bracelets and selling crystal jewelry, I feel that crystals are the perfect complement to energy healing and witchcraft/folk magick. I also enjoy selling other witchy things.... more coming soon!! 

Merry Meet, and Blessed Be,

Ellyn :)